5 Ways to Celebrate Veterans Day in Honor of Those Who Have Served

Veterans Day is approaching very quickly. Many people throughout the country may be thinking about how best to show their gratitude to the men and women who have sacrificed so much in defense of our nation. Veterans Day is a great opportunity to show appreciation to the veterans in your life, and there are many ways to do so. 

5 Ways to Celebrate Veterans Day in Honor of Those Who Have Served

The following are examples of ways to celebrate Veterans Day in honor of those who have served:

Say Thanks

Make an effort to just say "thank you" to any veteran you know, no matter how close or far away they may be. A simple phone call or text message will suffice if you don't have time for a face-to-face meeting because of your busy schedule.

Support A Company Owned By Veterans

It's probably safe to assume that veteran-owned businesses will be closed on Veterans Day. But you may show your support for a veteran-owned business by visiting the day before or after the event. The National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA) runs a program called "Buy Veteran" to help you find one of the three million veteran-owned businesses across the country.

Treat Them To A Good Treat

It's a good idea to throw a luncheon for the veterans who are working in your workplace. Having civilian coworkers learn about the military experience is a great way to express appreciation for veteran employees' service and foster teamwork. A special lunch or reception for veterans, either formal or informal, is a great way to demonstrate your gratitude and admiration.

Send Them A Card Or Video

Now is the time to start making a list of the veterans you know so you may send them a card of appreciation this year. Keep adding names to your list and make it an annual event to send these greetings. Sending a Veteran or active-duty service member a thoughtful gesture is quick and easy. You can get started on your letters to the troops by following these pointers.

Display Your Admiration For Our Nation's Veterans By Donning A Red Poppy

On Memorial Day and Veterans Day, people all around the country receive red crepe-paper poppies from the American Legion Auxiliary. All of the poppies are manufactured by veterans as part of their therapeutic rehabilitation, and all proceeds from their sale go to local organizations that aid injured and ill veterans. If you want to know where to get one in your area, call the American Legion post.


Veterans Day is a terrific opportunity to honor the brave men and women who served in the armed forces to ensure the safety of all Americans. Please remember our nation's veterans this year and take the time to show your gratitude. Do you know of any other ways to celebrate Veterans Day in honor of those who have served? Kindly drop your comment in the comment section.

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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