5 Tips For Nurses To Handle Difficult Patients With Ease

Nurses encounter different sorts of patients on their job, including difficult patients. Nurses have to deal with difficult patients throughout their careers. Keep reading this post to discover five tips for nurses to easily handle difficult patients.

As a nurse, you will encounter challenging situations with your patients, especially difficult patients. To handle difficult patients easily, nurses should focus on resolving the cause of the problem. Patients who are admitted and going through pain or anxiety might present as difficult. However, understanding what they are going through might help to handle such patients easily. Proper communication skills are vital for nurses to handle difficult patients.

5 Tips For Handling Difficult Patients As A Nurse

Difficult patients will test your patience and perseverance as a nurse. It is crucial to stay prepared for such challenging situations. Here are practical ways for nurses to handle difficult patients with ease.


Nurses must be keen on listening to all their patients. Listening is a crucial aspect of communication. Difficult patients might need attention. When you listen to a patient who is proving difficult, you communicate affirmation to them. While listening, ask questions to be sure you comprehend. Repeat what the patient says and confirm understanding. Also, let them speak before you respond. Make sure to maintain eye contact with them while speaking.

Be Cautious of Your Body Language 

Body language communicates as much as verbal language. When interacting with your patient as a nurse, you do not want to appear cold or unwelcoming. Try to remain courteous in your body language while dealing with difficult patients. For example, crossing your arms might communicate being defensive.

Practice Empathy

As a nurse, you know how vital empathy is in your role. When dealing with difficult patients, you have to remain empathetic. Try to put yourself in the patient's shoes and reverse the roles. Treat the patient with respect and care. Let them know you are interested in helping them feel better.

Do Not Avoid The Situation 

As a nurse, you should not avoid challenging situations with difficult patients. This means you should be confident in your ability to address challenges when they arise. Avoidance, such as leaving it to a colleague or leaving the room, can escalate the situation. Try to have a conversation with the patient and resolve the cause of the problem. If you have exhausted your options, you can seek a colleague's assistance.

Take A Break 

Dealing with difficult patients can be emotionally draining for any nurse, and the nursing profession itself is challenging. When dealing with difficult patients, you can take breaks to relax. Breaks can help you return to your nursing role feeling positive and energized. During your break, you can take a walk or eat a meal. You will be able to return to your patient refreshed.


Nurses cannot avoid difficult patients in their careers. They must prepare to handle them. This post describes five tips for nurses to handle difficult patients with ease. For more tips like this, please visit our blog for nurses.

September 6, 2024

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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