Do you want to pursue a career in nursing? Read on, as we will reveal the different nursing job opportunities that you can choose once you have the right education. Acquiring a Bachelor's degree or an Associate degree from a good and accredited nursing school will ensure access to any of these nursing careers.
These nurses assist in treating psychiatric patients and others with mental health issues. They specialize in mental health treatment. To work in this field, you need to be a specialist with a Master’s degree. These nurses can work in prisons or hospital wards.
These nurses help in diagnosing and treating patients who need health care. Sometimes, they also help in prescribing medications. There are many types of APRNs. They take advanced and expanded roles than regular registered nurses. Because of this, you will need a Master’s degree in Nursing (MSN) to be a licensed APRN.
These are registered nurses that work in intensive care units. They provide people who are critically injured or sick with complex care. To be a critical nurse, you need to hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing.
Military nurses care for sick and injured military personnel. In the US, for you to be a Military nurse, you must hold at least a BSN degree.
These are the nurses you see at crime scenes evaluating bodies likely subjected to physical violence. They assess biological evidence for criminal cases, which they later present in court. To practice as a forensic nurse, you will need a Bachelor’s or Associate's degree.
These are registered nurses who care for the elderly. The patients consistently need someone to care for them due to their health challenges or ages. Geriatric nurses work with such patients. Most times, this takes place in the patients’ homes, hospital, or nursing homes.
These are nurses who integrate natural or spiritual methods of care with medical care. They emphasize a wholesome approach to healing.
They are registered nurses whose place of work is the patients’ home. It may be patients with disabilities or chronic terminal diseases. Elderly people also fall into the category of the people they render services to.
Labor and delivery nurses work in hospitals and sometimes, private practices to help pregnant women deliver safely. They provide postnatal care and support for the newborn child and the mother.
These are registered nurses that take care of patients who need long-term care. Patients may need special care for a long time due to one terminal disease or the other.
Neonatal nurses work in neonatal intensive care units where they take care for sick and premature babies that require continuous medical attention.
Physician's office nurses work in private practices of physicians, also known as doctor’s offices. They always work alongside medical assistants, physicians, and a team of other nurses.
They are nurses that assess symptoms and make recommendations for patients. These nurses can work in the hospital and can also work with individual patients.
As the name implies, these are nurses who work in the prisons and provide preventive and routine health care to inmates and other people working in the prisons.
Different types of nurses exist, however, only a few people know about them. Others even think that nurses are all the same.
As someone interested in having a career in nursing, you can pick any of the types of nurses explained above and build a career in it.
Natasha Osei
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