Top 5 Ways to Destress During Your Off-days As a Nurse

Nurses often face stressful situations at their jobs. As a nurse, you should intentionally destress during your off days. Do you want to learn five top ways to destress during your off days as a nurse? Then, you are reading the right blog post.

According to the World Health Organization, Stress is a natural human response to challenges or difficult situations. Nurses are prone to stress because they expend much effort in patient care, which requires physical, mental, and emotional input. Long shifts and work hours also contribute to the stressors for nurses. The stress from patient care can lead to emotional exhaustion and compassion fatigue. Stress is also related to deteriorating mental health. 

To avoid the consequences of stress, you should intentionally destress as a nurse. Your off days can be an excellent time to concentrate on activities that relieve stress.

5 Tips to Destress During Your Off-days As A Nurse

To have a good quality of life as a nurse, you should regularly engage in activities that help you destress. You can engage in these activities during your off days. Such activities to destress will also help you be at your best when you resume your duties as a nurse. Here are five tips to destress during your off days as a nurse.


Meditation can be an excellent way for nurses to destress. During your off days, schedule some time to sit still, preferably alone, to avoid interference. For the duration of time you choose, let your mind put things in perspective. Meditation provides wisdom and insight. Whatever you think is stressing you might not be the problem. You may only need to re-evaluate. Meditation can bring you calm feelings and provide you with answers.


Working out is a great way to destress for nurses. It is proven that exercise helps to boost mood. Endorphins are released during exercise that produces positive feelings. You can include exercise in your routine as a nurse or work out on your off days. Exercise also has a positive effect on your physical health as a nurse. To destress with exercise, you do not have to overwork your body. You can choose low-impact exercises like yoga that improve circulation, aids meditation, and provide calm feelings.

Healthy Diet

Diet plays a significant role in your energy levels and in reducing stress as a nurse. To eat healthy, include whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, and fatty fish in your meals. Avoid junks that often contain high levels of processed sugar and sodium and other unhealthy foods like soda, refined grains, fried foods, and other packaged on-the-go snacks. It is helpful to cook and plan your meals. Ensure to drink enough water and reduce alcohol intake. A healthy diet will help you destress and support your immune system.

Pamper Yourself 

Pampering yourself can mean indulging in self-care. As a nurse, you work hard to care for ailing patients; you deserve to pamper yourself. During your off days, you can engage in self-care activities such as a spa date or massage, movie night, or eating at a fancy restaurant. Pampering yourself can boost your mood and help you destress as a nurse.

Talk to Someone 

Talking to someone or venting can help you destress as a nurse. You can talk about the stressful situations at work and how you are feeling. It is essential to speak to someone patient, and you might get some good advice. After venting, it is better to leave behind your experiences at work. Focus on enjoying your off days and other aspects of your life apart from your life as a nurse.


Nurses are often exposed to stress in their jobs, so they must engage in activities that help them destress. This post describes the top five ways to destress during your off days as a nurse. For more tips like this, please visit our blog for nurses.

August 9, 2024

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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