In the nursing field, working a double shift seems like an impossibility. It's difficult enough to provide the highest level of care to all of your patients throughout the course of a normal shift, but it becomes even more difficult when you've been working for so long that you're already exhausted when you begin your second shift.

The following are suggestions for nurses who frequently work double shifts and find that their energy wanes toward the end of each one. We hope these suggestions prove useful to you.

  1.  Establish a routine

Having a routine can help you save time, stay organized, and improve the effectiveness of your procedures, whether you're working a double shift or not.

You spend less time and energy thinking about all the tasks and responsibilities you have to complete and the order in which you have to do them when you have a schedule to follow. In time, your body adapts to the routine, so you don't have to be as alert as you used to be all of the time. 

Prioritize the tasks you usually have to complete first when creating your routine. These are typically the most critical responsibilities. In spite of the fact that priorities change on a daily basis, this method is useful for organizing your workdays and distributing your responsibilities.

Taking regular breaks at the same time each shift and restocking your inventory supplies whenever you enter or exit a room or area are other ways to keep your routine more predictable.

  1. Consume Nutritious Foods

For convenience and comfort, it's tempting to eat fast or unhealthy food when you get off work. Probably the last thing on your mind when you get home is slaving away in the kitchen. In the long run, however, your body will feel sluggish and run poorly if you choose to eat unhealthy fast food every day.

Make an effort to understand how many calories you burn each day, how active you are, and how much food you should be eating. Try to incorporate healthy foods that you enjoy into your diet and prepare them in new ways to increase the likelihood that you'll eat them. Eat plenty of healthy fats because you'll be moving around a lot and putting a lot of strain on your body.

  1. Take advantage of the time you have off.

While on vacation, your first instinct may be to eat quickly, rest, or scroll through social media on your phone to pass the time.

Breaks, on the other hand, can be an excellent opportunity to recharge your mental batteries. To re-energize and refocus, some nurses swear by a quick power nap, while others swear by the benefits of mindful meditation.

  1. Always Stay  Hydrated!

It's easy to forget to drink enough water while working long hours. Dehydration and fatigue can be avoided simply by remembering to stay hydrated throughout the workday.

You'll have more energy and feel fuller for longer if you drink plenty of water. This will keep you from reaching for sugary or salty snacks and will lift your spirits. To avoid forgetting to drink water, incorporate it into your daily schedule.

  1. Keep Your Hands Busy!

If you're sitting around waiting for something to happen, your double shift will feel longer than it actually is. Keeping your mind occupied and focused on the task at hand rather than the clock will help you get more done in less time.

You've probably noticed that it's much more difficult to get your body active again when you allow it to rest when it's not supposed to. 

  1. Comfortable Shoes Are a Must for Your Double Shift Work Schedule

Shoes can make all the difference in the world when it comes to comfort. It is your legs and feet that bear the entirety of your body's weight. When your feet are overworked and undersupported, your entire body suffers as a result.

Shoes that are both supportive and pleasant for your feet and knees are recommended for this activity. If your regular shoes or sports sneakers aren't up to the task, investing in a solid pair of hiking boots may be a better investment.

  1. Caffeine consumption should be limited.

While coffee and energy drinks can temporarily boost your energy, most of them will eventually cause you to crash, especially sugary energy drinks, which can have negative effects on your mood and health in general. As a bonus, the sugar and caffeine in the food can make it more difficult to fall asleep when you get back to your house.


After working a long or double shift, it's critical to give your body the time it needs to recuperate and rejuvenate. This is what it means to be at ease in both the bodily and mental senses.

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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