The Essential Guide to Hand Care for Nurses

Hand hygiene is a huge part of nurses’ work routine. Poor hand hygiene can lead to problems, but effective hand care methods can prevent these problems. Keep reading this blog post for an essential guide to hand care for nurses.

Hand care is one of the most important aspects of nurse hygiene. Because nurses often work with their hands, proper hygiene is vital to protecting both patients and nurses from potential infections. Hand hygiene includes frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitisers, and glove-wearing.

Poor hand care methods often lead to dryness, cracked skin, and irritation. When the hands are washed with soaps, they strip the skin of moisture and natural oils. Hand sanitisers usually contain alcohol and antibacterial agents that dry out the hands equally. Some soaps and hand sanitisers also contain harsh ingredients that can produce dry, flaky, and chapped skin. The essence of hand care is to prevent dryness and other effects of cleaning the hands often, as nurses do.

5 Methods of Hand Care For Nurses

Hand care is crucial to prevent skin irritation and other potential skin problems. Hand care ensures bacteria and other germs cannot easily enter the body. Hand care is easy; it only requires intentionality by nurses. Here are five methods of hand care for nurses.

Wash Hands with Warm Water

As a nurse, you should wash your hands with warm water, not cold or hot water. Hot water can strip your hands of natural oils and moisture. Warm water will help retain moisture and produce a good cleaning effect. Be sure to use a liquid soap without fragrance and alcohol.  Fragrance and alcohol can lead to drying.

Use Hand Creams

After washing your hands with warm water, apply a hand cream. Hand creams contain ample moisture and oil, are thick, and provide intense nourishment for the hands. They keep the hands smooth and lush. Hand creams are a basic hand care routine that nurses should embrace.

Use Glove Liners

Gloves are a necessity for nurses. Frequent use of gloves by nurses often leads to skin reactions and problems like dermatitis. Some people are allergic to latex, which is used to make disposable gloves. Glove liners can be helpful to prevent such issues. Also, change your gloves frequently so your hands have some breathing space.

Steam Your Hands Once a Week

A hand steaming session once a week can do nurses a lot of good. It softens your hands and removes dead cells. You can steam your hands by placing them over a hot bowl of water. Conclude the steaming with a hand cream to lock in the moisture.

Get a Manicure Once a Month

A manicure is an essential part of hand care for nurses. Getting a manicure once a month is a good way for nurses to engage in self-care and hand care. A manicure treats the hands, removes dead skin cells, and helps to soften them. 

It is noteworthy that proper hydration, which is achieved by drinking sufficient water, supports hand care. Good nutrition from a balanced diet is vital, and adequate nutrition and hydration help skin health.


Nurses often engage their hands in patient care. Nurses should maintain proper hygiene to prevent infections. Hand care is important for nurses to keep their hands moisturised as they engage in hand hygiene. This blog post has provided an essential guide to hand care for nurses. For more tips like this, please visit our blog for nurses.

July 12, 2024

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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