Networking Tips for New Nurses

Finding a job for new nurses can be quite difficult, especially when you follow the regular route of scouring the internet for the latest job offers. Does this now mean you will stay with your first job offer? Of course, not.

One of the proven ways to get new jobs and rise in the industry is through networking. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, professionals are most successful with job searches when they build professional networks. This fact applies to nurses as well.

How New Nurses can Build their Professional Networks

Here are some tips to help you build your professional network:

Be active in professional organizations

One of the best ways to grow your network is to be active in professional organizations. It is not enough to join a professional network, you need to be active within the organization. A great place to begin for a new nurse in America, for example, is the American Nurses Association. Asides from building your network, becoming active in these organizations presents you with several benefits. Some of these benefits include access to professional resources, access to member-only events, and furthering your education.

Become a member of professional network sites

LinkedIn is undoubtedly the biggest professional networking website in the world. This means that you should set up a profile on this platform as a new nurse. Why is this necessary? Digital networking is growing faster than you can imagine and presents you with diverse benefits. Asides from LinkedIn, research other professional network sites, especially those designed for new nurses. Create video resumes, add relevant keywords to your profile, and employ the art of storytelling to captivate profile viewers. Doing all of this places you ahead of your contemporaries in attracting attention to your professional profile.

Be part of local nurses’ meet-ups

While digital networking is fast becoming popular, it doesn’t take the place of offline networking. Networking with other nurses presents you with loads of face-to-face opportunities like meeting with seasoned professionals within your field. You have the opportunity to exchange contacts with such individuals, ask questions, and sell yourself. Don’t just focus your efforts on networking via LinkedIn and Facebook, incorporate local meet-ups into your itinerary.

Build a network with ex-classmates

Struggling to build a network with nurses from other locations? Here’s a great suggestion for you. A great place to begin your professional networking journey is with your ex-classmates. You can set up a Whatsapp or Facebook group and invite ex-classmates to join. Such networks allow you to share resources, the latest advances in your field, and available job offers.

Move out of your comfort zone

Networking within your specialty is pretty convenient. However, you shouldn’t restrict yourself to just your niche. Step out of your comfort zone and start networking with nurses with other specialties. Doing this is very important as no one knows what the future holds. There may be a need for you to switch niches in the future. Networking with people from other niches makes such switches seamless.


Building a professional network is never easy. It requires a lot of effort and consistency. This post has provided you with some networking tips for new nurses. Do you have any other suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments section.

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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