6 Ways for a Busy Nurse to Enjoy the Holidays

How can a busy nurse enjoy the holidays? It is no secret that the nursing career is quite demanding. It's not uncommon for nurses to experience increased levels of stress during this time of year.

You'll probably be trying to squeeze in extra social time with loved ones alongside your regular work activities. If you're a nurse, you might also have to put in some extra hours at the office over the holidays. Holiday pay is nice, but the work itself can be tasking on your mind.

How a Busy Nurse Can Enjoy the Holidays

Here are 6 ways for a busy nurse to enjoy the holidays:

Make The Most Of Your Time Off

Do everything you can to make the most of your time off. As a nurse, if you're feeling emotionally and mentally spent, taking a full day off may be the best way to deal with stress.

It is fine to relax by taking a long walk in a nature reserve or binge-watching multiple episodes of your favorite television show. There may be times during the holidays when you need to put yourself first and relax in your own way.

Allocate Tasks

Nurses are typically doers; we're the ones who jump in and make things happen. To that end, the holidays may be a good time to put more of your delegating skills to the test. It's not on you to ensure everything goes seamlessly.

Plan Ahead

Make sure to start scheduling your holiday shifts early. Plan holidays with your loved ones to fit into your busy schedule. If you must work on Thanksgiving, for instance, schedule a celebration for the days surrounding the holiday. Make sure you can cover your shift, but also celebrate the holidays that are important to you. Begin by talking with your manager about the best way to do both.

Take Time To Celebrate When You Can

Are you working on New Year's Eve? You can plan your party around your schedule. Gather the other nurses who will be working with you that day, and at 5 o'clock, begin the countdown. You can do the same if you want to ring in the New Year with loved ones on a different day or at a different time by simply resetting your clocks and watches.

Make the Most of the Holiday Bonus Money

Working overtime on a holiday might make up for the time away from loved ones. Do something special with the extra money on your day off to make the occasion even more memorable. You can visit a nice restaurant, see a movie with a friend, or treat yourself to a day at the spa.

Embrace The Spirit Of The Season By Dressing Up

Nurses can really make an impact on their patients' lives during the holidays. Wearing festive attire can lift the spirits of your patients and other people at work.

Before adding anything to your nursing uniform or including holiday trimmings, make sure you clear it with your supervisor. Accessories like Santa hats, elf ears, and belt buckles can be worn while caring for patients without causing any problems.


As a busy nurse, we hope you get to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones this holiday season. How do you stay productive while working during the holidays? Share your thoughts below.

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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